Tuesday 2 December 2008

My New Friend.

It's funny when something you never thought would be comes into being. The happiness that brings is not necessarily how you thought it'd feel but better, different in fact. Even better is when this happiness comes sooner than you expected, from somewhere you never quite expected. My new friend is so cool, too cool in fact. You know when you want to be like someone but you wouldn't dare even try their shoes on? I am quite happy to simply stand back and admire my new friend, strange when old friends become new friends. He isn't like me or how I'd ever want to be yet some difference seems to draw us together. I find myself walking on egg shells through fear of losing my new friend but in fact he is going nowhere. I am happy to report that my new friend is here to stay. And that makes me incredibly happy.

Monday 14 July 2008


"I don't read/write as much as I should/would like to" - A statement I have not only spoken myself but have read and heard from other people. I would like to salute the few people I know who do actually read and write as much as they would like to. 
I really would like to read more and write more. However, having said for the last 6 months, buying note pads and making stacks of books in my " to read" pile, I think it's about time I did something about it. So I'm off to read a book. Or maybe I won't get round to it. Probably not.
I bet Shakespeare never said that.


I think we have a wasps nest in our kitchen. It really creeped me out when I came home from my driving lesson to find 12 dead wasps by the back door. There was one on the window so I killed it with a roll of Bounty. 
Now I walk around the kitchen feeling itchy and on edge. They're clever wasps. Aaron thinks one of them was "playing dead" before. Bees, they sting once and they're dead thus showing they would only ever, really, kill if it was absolutely necessary. 
Wasps, on the other hand, can go around stinging innocent people for the fun of it. They can play sick tricks like playing dead and get their unsuspecting victims when they least expect it. I think we should call an exterminator. 
We also get loads of squirrels in our back garden, who I swear are plotting to take over the world, or at least our world. They come really close to our doors and windows and unlike most other furry creatures, aren't afraid of tapping on the glass and shouting. I think the animal world is watching me. i've had these suspicions for quite a while.
You may think I'm joking. 
I don't think I am. 

Wednesday 4 June 2008

My girl.

We sat facing each other on my red setee, the cushions tried their best to keep us comfortable. The time had slowly crept up on us and it was 6:10, I knew she needed to go but I was enjoying myself too much to mention it. I also really needed the toilet but I put that on hold to finish up our conversation on the very thing I'm doing now - writing. Her passion and love for it excites me. When I hear her talk about it I just want to grab a pen or read a novel or create a masterpiece. Whatever talent or ability I have in me is brought to the surface immediately when she speaks about writing. I've often thought about her gift and what she could do with it, I've envisioned her writing a bestseller or two. Maybe a children's story or an adventure book. She could do anything with words, anything she wants. When I have good things to say about people - I let them have it. It's no good to me but it can be extremely valuable to them. Precious even. I told her what I dreamed for her and her face, perfect as it is, looked straight back at me. Her eyes were wide and sincere. I noticed she had a little beauty spot by her right eye., her blonde hair was off her face allowing her to just be her. She grabbed hold of me and held me close, we were sat down and the hug was almost awkward but that was ok. She said, "I don't think you will ever know how much that meant to me." I have a permanant photograph of that moment, forever in my head.

I love my girl.

Sunday 11 May 2008

And Then The Rain Came

We just lay there, peaceful. The sun was masked by the ever-greying clouds, they were heavy but patient. The air grew cooler and the breeze stronger, everyone else had made their way back indoors, safe from the rumbling sounds of thunder that echoed around the garden. She became agitated, "it's like christmas or my birthday" she said. I persuaded her to stay, the suspense was getting too much for her but I knew it'd pay off. I was listening for it, like I could hear it, through the trees getting closer. I couldn't help but smile, I could depend on it. I knew with every bit of me that it wouldn't let us down, it wouldn't stand us up, cancel or be late. It would arrive exactly when I knew it would. There were false alarms; leaves, petals but "only when we both feel it" she said. It had to be the real thing.

I felt the first drop, doubting for a second, but the next drop confirmed that it was here and by no means half-heartedly. She screamed and I screamed as the refreshing rain surrounded us, it was cool and soothing. The look on her face was enough, it was our acheivement - we waited for it and it came. I slid into my shoes, grabbed hers and tossed her over my shoulder. "There's no time!" She squealed with laughter as I hobbled across the grass, the doors were open wide and the rain was pouring in. We pushed them shut and sat down to watch the grand finale of the show we waited for. She ran her fingers down the glass window, following the raindrops that so elegantly trickled from the top to the bottom. I watched as the ground got coloured in by this transparent paint, it was truly worth waiting for.

I couldn't change the fact that it was coming, I could curse or moan but it would change nothing. All that I could do was sit back and enjoy its majestic arrival, accepting that it could be here for minutes, hours, even days. That, I didn't know yet but it was ok, because what I did know was of much higher importance. I knew that at some point, near or far, the rain would stop and the sun would break through. And we'd begin again.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

A Beautiful Awakening

A beautiful awakening has happened in my soul.
A beautiful awakening that only I could know.

Try to imagine a sound that you've never heard.
A colour that you've never seen.
Try to describe a taste youve not tasted then maybe you'll know what I mean.

When I looked at you my heart already knew,
that you'd come to breathe life into my dormant soul.
I was terrified, now I'm not afraid anymore.
Cause I know that you embrace my heart and I feel alive.

I wish I could say that these words were my own. They're not.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Sea Shells by the Sea Shore

Her feet sunk into the damp sand, the sea that washed over them was cool and refreshing. The breeze was soft as it blew through her sundrenched hair, she unconciously fiddled with the numerous colourful bracelets that encompassed her wrist. She felt the crunch of a shell beneath her and compassionately bent down to pick up it's remains. It was a mixture of the deepest and richest purples, blues and greens she'd ever seen, they intertwined, dancing around each other. The girl gently threw the shell into the ocean and continued to walk. No more than two steps later she felt another crunch and once again bent down to observe the next shell, this time an aray of oranges. Tangerine, Sunset, Peach all woven perfectly together. The girl cast the shell aside and proceeded along the shore, as the sea moved away from her ankles something caught her eye. Another shell, a midnight blue with dashes of elaborate yellow, carefully placed. The girl couldn't help but find it odd, she was on a beach yes, but so many shells, buried, in a perfect line? She went on to her hands and knees and began to scrape away the surrounding sand, there must be more to it. Between the undecided ocean and the sand it wasn't an easy task but she managed to clear the area around the shells to reveal a most unexpected sight. A collection of the most indescribably beautiful shells she'd ever seen, intracately set down in paticular patterns, weaves, curves, bends. There were 20, 30 maybe, probably more. She turned to see the other shells she'd so easily discarded, she may only have seen those three shells and nothing more. Her walk would have been over and she'd have felt satisfied. But she saw more, she saw the rest, the bigger picture. And for seeing that, she was all the better.